PASSIONFLOWER Passiflora - herbal tincture for anxiety management, nervous system balancing, stress and sleep support
PASSIONFLOWER Passiflora - herbal tincture for anxiety management, nervous system balancing, stress and sleep support
Nervous system:
Passionflower has a long history of use as a calming and nervous system soothing herb. Generally agreed to have the greatest effect on those in a weakened or debilitative state, for example, generalised weakness/frailty, chronic illness/fatigue, chronic stress or health/life worries.
Can promote restful sleep by reducing mental chatter and cycling thoughts, whilst relaxing the physical body.
Passionflower shares Skullcap’s reliable sedative effects utilised for insomnia and anxiety, as well as agitation and generalised irritability.
Demonstrates increased effectiveness for insomnia when combined with valerian, hops, or chamomile.
Can also be used for its antispasmodic action - Parkinson's Disease, seizure activity, hysteria, asthma and painful menstrual cramps. Provides the greatest effect if taken prior to spasms gaining a hold, or taken regularly to reduce general activity.
Supportive in asthma when combined with respiratory herbs for improved lung function and reduction in reactivity to triggers.
Can also been used in combination with cardiac herbs to reduce stress-induced hypertension/high blood pressure.
Menopause/perimenopause and PMT/PMS:
Demonstrates reduction in the hormonal imbalances that cause hot flashes, depression and mood fluctuations, insomnia, headaches, and agitation.
Increased effectiveness when combined with Motherwort and Black Cohosh to reduce hormonal sleeplessness and anxiety.
Studies have also shown its ability to support improvements in libido for those who are too ‘wound up’ to relax and enjoy sex.
Passionflower is one of the most beautiful plants on this earth, in my humble opinion, that also tastes gorgeous in a bedtime cup of tea!
This item: 100ml tamper-proof pipette bottle
This is an alcohol extraction tincture - contains ALCOHOL
Various options:
3-5ml in the evening for sleeplessness, struggling to get to sleep.
3-5ml up to 3 times daily for severe anxiety, stress, chronic lack of sleep - if tolerated, and no excessive sleepiness during daytime activities.
For insomnia, take a 3-5ml dose 1hr before bed, repeat this dose as you go to sleep.
The dose can be repeated if wake again in the night.
If in doubt around your individual situation, if is appropriate or the right dosage, please contact to discuss.
Caution: There is some concern about taking passionflower during pregnancy.
Widely tolerated but for some can be too sedating to be taken throughout the day, and for those with stagnant depression.
Caution with sedative and cardiac drugs.
Contraindication: Monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical or naturopathic doctor. Please be advised to consult your GP/consultant before taking new herbal supplements. This is especially important for those taking prescribed medications.